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Geokodowanie polskich adresów

Ponad 10.000.000 polskich adresów dostępnych w module adresowym i geokoderze. Polska firma SoftCreem Software prezentuje swoje rozwiązanie dla przedsiębiorstw potrzebujących precyzyjne i aktualne bazy adresów. Więcej o produkcie: https://www.softcream.pl/modul-adresowy-i-geokoder Wykorzystanie modułu adresowego i geokoderze w biznesie i administracji publicznej. Aplikacje z mod...
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What is Li-Fi technology

Li-Fi technology is a ground-breaking light-based communication technology, which makes use of light waves instead of radio technology to deliver data. Li-Fi can compensate as the radio spectrum becomes overloaded Using the visible light spectrum, Li-Fi technology can transmit data and unlock capacity which is 10,000 times greater than that available within the radio spectrum. The visible...
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Poland in figures

Poland has stable economy and well-grounded macroeconomic position. Unique conditions for running a business are supported by repeatedly confirmed resilience to economic crises. Polish investment attractiveness derives from a number of factors: Ambitious and hard-working people. The main advantage of Poland are the inhabitants. Especially their ambition, motivation and professional eth...
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IBM Continues Expansion of Global Cloud Centers to Support Hybrid Cloud Growth

Commits to opening new facilities in Australia, Canada, India and Italy with more to come in 2015 Armonk, NY and Las Vegas —February 23, 2015—IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced that it continues to build out SoftLayer’s computing capacity with the addition of new cloud centers in Sydney and Montreal. Both facilities are set to open within the next 30 days. Once launched, IBM will have opened five So...
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